Ano, zatímco u konkurence se vesele odkládá. Tak Playground Games a Microsoft jedou dle plánu a Forza Horizon 3 dosáhla statutu Gold - tedy dokončená. Následuje lisování a distribuce hry, aby byla připravená na její start později v září/septemeberu. A to není vše.
Jelikož se jedná o první díl, který bude dostupný také na stolních počítačích (mimo to bude podporovat cross-play!) tak zde máme hardwarové požadavky. Bohužel pouze doporučené požadavky a ne minimální. O těch potřebných na 4K, kterým nás Microsoft pravidelně mučí ani vidu ani slechu. Samozřejmostí je nutnost Windows 10 a DirectX 12. Procesor nic menšího než Core i7 3820. Grafická karta stačí buď základní aktuální GTX 1060 nebo loňské GTX 970 (ve světě AMD je to RX 480 a nebo R9 270X). Nutná je 4GB paměť grafické karty a RAM počítače na 12GB. Místo na disku bude vyžadovat 55GB.
Jako finální představené auto, které přijde do Forza Horizon 3 je trošku...no ehm sci-fi. Označení nese 2554 AMG Transport Dynamics M12S Warthog CST a ano je to "civilní" (čti bez turretu) verze oblíbeného terénního vozidla ze série Halo. Což by mělo být ideální vozítko pro složité terény australské divočiny. Vozidlo, které bude mít nejlepší kombinaci síly a stability dostane jako Free download každý kdo hrál Halo 5 nebo Halo: MCC. Doufejme, že tohle vozidlo i se svými unikátními vlastnostmi nebude dělat nějaké problémy v multiplayeru.
Mimo jiné byl zveřejněný také seznam všech achievementů, který najdete níže.
- Welcome to Your Horizon / Open Festival with the first Showcase 10G
- You're the Boss / Upgrade the Festival for the first time 10G
- One of Us / Win your first Exhibition race as Horizon Festival Boss 10G
- Stay on Target / Get a gold medal from a Danger Sign 10G
- "Do you even... oh, you do" / Get 3 Stars through a Drift Zone 10G
- You're Hired! / Hire a Drivatar into your Drivatar Line-Up 10G
- You're Fired! / Fill your Drivatar Line-Up and fire a Drivatar to make way for another 20G
- Racer's Paradise / Open a Festival in Surfers Paradise 20G
- First Time Buyer / Visit the Autoshow and buy your first car 10G
- The Architect / Create your first Blueprint 10G
- The Player / Complete another player's Exhibition Blueprint 10G
- Champ / Win your first Championship 10G
- Tonight We Ride / Win your first Street Race 10G
- I'll Just Take This Now / Win your first Midnight Battle 10G
- Street Racing Champion / Win every Street Race and Midnight Battle 50G
- Like a Needle in The Outback / Find your first Barn Find 10G
- Relic Hunter / Restore all Barn Finds 20G
- Throwdown / Create and complete your first Bucket List Blueprint. 10G
- Community Crusher / Play 10 player created Bucket List Blueprints 20G
- Drive to the Music You Love / Sign 4 Radio Stations to your Festival 10G
- Screaming through the Valley / Open a Festival in Yara Valley 20G
- Bushcraft / Open a Festival in The Outback 20G
- Maxed Out / Fully upgrade a Festival site 20G
- Like a Boss / Fully upgrade all Festival sites 20G
- Best. Horizon. Ever. / Complete the Final Showcase 50G
- Exhibition Expert / Complete an Exhibition at every race route in the game 20G
- Horizon Hardcore / Complete a Championship at every race route in the game 30G
- Starstruck / Get at least 1 star on any 50 PR Stunts 10G
- PR Superstar / Get 3 stars on all PR Stunts 20G
- Eat My Dust / Complete 10 races in a convoy 10G
- Got Ourselves a Convoy / Convoy for a total of 100 miles 10G
- Life Complete / Complete every Horizon Bucket List challenge 20G
- Drop in the Bucket / Complete 5 Bucket List challenges 10G
- Who's Hiding These? / Smash all 150 reward boards 20G
- Backpacker / Discover every beauty spot in the game 20G
- I Know These Roads / Drive down every road in the game 20G
- This My Jam / Take part in 5 Skill Songs 10G
- Perks of the Job / Obtain a car from the Skill Shop 10G
- I Want It All / Complete every page in the Skill Shop (excluding temporary perks) 25G
- Spoiler Alert / Fit parts from Rocket Bunny and Liberty Walk 10G
- 5 Star Seller / - A+++++ Sell 5 cars via the Auction House 10G
- Sniper / Win a car in the Auction House by bidding on it 10G
- Welcome to Horizon / Online Complete 5 online events across Adventure and Freeroam 10G
- Online Adventurer / Complete 25 online events across Adventure and Freeroam 30G
- Bring a Friend / Complete an event in Co-op 10G
- Road Buddy / Complete 10 events in Co-op 20G
- Forzatographer / Take a photo of 300 cars for Horizon Promo 20G
- Aussie Rules! / Create and complete a Championship featuring only Australian cars 10G
- High Roller / Spend 1 million Credits on a car 10G
- Fly Like A Regal / Get 300ft on the airport Danger Sign using the Relaint Regal 10G
- Life's a Drag / Complete a drag race at the Airstrip in every Car Class 10G
- Endurance Hero / Create an exhibition with 25 laps, dynamic time and weather, and complete it on Hard Drivatar Difficulty 20G
- This. Is. FORZA! / Create and complete a Championship with 100+ miles of racing over 10 events 20G
- Ooh, Shiny! / Obtain your first Horizon Edition car 20G
- Mini Boss / Reach Level 20 10 Final Boss Reach Level 150 25G
- Staying Connected / Visit the Forza Hub from the Pause Menu 10G
- Art Director / Create a paint, setup a tune, and start your Horizon Promo career 10G
- Throw Your Weight Around / Get a Gold Medal on a Drift Zone in a car weighing at least 2500kg 10G
- Forza First / Win a race in the Lamborghini Centanario 20G
- Clever Girl! / Get a 3 Stars on a Danger Sign, Drift Zone, Speed Trap and Speed Zone in the 2017 Ford Raptor. 10G
- Totally meant to do that... / Perform a Barrel Roll in any Buggy 10G
- Underdog / Get a Gold Medal in a C Class car 10G